Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Toot! Toot! Goes the Horn!

Tooting my own horn, here’s a letter (edited for space and relevance) I received yesterday:


It was nice to finally meet you in person. I had surfed your website [The Chris Jones Group] and saw a picture of you so I had an idea of what you look like. Olivia Votaw has made it clear that I need a new picture on my site, cards etc. I agree and it is my plan for this year some time.

I have been VERY impressed with you and enjoyed getting to know you and work with you. I of course appreciate getting a referral and will reciprocate for certain.

It is my intention to send you more business than even I thought I would send to “someone else”. I have been impressed by you and you are clearly in the top tier of loan officers in this valley. I also enjoy your personality very much and the fact that you are from the DC area doesn’t hurt either.

On my website, I have a personal policy that I don’t link to other sites (excluding charities). I don’t want people to lose focus on me as they surf through an affiliate site. My website is to bring me business and help my clients meet their needs. What I will do is put your company name and phone # with your name on the site. Further I will actively refer buyers to you whenever possible and hope you will do the same. My personal goal is to give you 2 referrals for every one you give me as a minimum standard.  I forsee the potential for a strong business relationship that will be beneficial for us both.

Thanks again for everything.


Harry A. Rodas, ABR, CRS, GRI
Direct Line (801) 787-7990

My marketing philosophy is to just go and meet people in the normal course of doing interesting things, impress the socks off them if possible, and develop a natural relationship that matures into something fine.  I do understand that the average loan officer goes about marketing to Realtors as a way to get business.  Some are successful and make a good living doing that.  But it isn’t for me.

My relationship with Harry (and with Greg and with Amber, who are the Realtors I do business with) came about naturally over the course of us each doing the best job we could on a difficult loan.  We like each other.  I can recommend him (and have already done so).  In response to his goal to give me two referrals for every one that he gets from me, I offered a friendly wager that he couldn’t even match me one for one.  No Realtor ever has.  That’s mostly a tribute to you.

Meantime, I recommend Harry’s site to you, and I recommend Harry Rodas as one of the finest Realtors I’ve worked with.  If you’re looking, he can help.