Friday, July 10, 2009

RateWatch - It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Markets: Doing well again today. Yesterday broke the string of 5 straight days of rising bonds and falling rates (we have never had, in the years I have been following this, 6 green days in a row, so it was expected), and today we've continued the trend of the past week. Rates continue to improve. We're very close to some exciting things in mortgage rates. Stay tuned.

Analysis: Folks, the economy is in the soup. The things that got us here didn't happen in four months, and they're not going away in four months, either. This morning @agentopolis (I love Twitter) put me on to this article about unemployment, predicting that we'll see it hit roughly 14% in the coming months. I heard a very convincing analysis last night that put the CURRENT unemployment rate at 20% right now, if you count everyone, which the government numbers do not.

Do not worry about this. You cannot stop any of it. Work hard. Do your job. If you lose your job, it happens. Call me and tell me. I know people. We're doing things. We'll help you if we can.

Find someone worse off than yourself - this will not be hard - and help them. There's no better cure for recession than a lot of people working hard to help each other. No, let me amend that. There is no OTHER cure for recession than a lot of people working hard to help each other. Be part of the solution where you are, and let the markets do what they will.

Have a good weekend.


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