Wednesday, May 17, 2006

By Way of Recommencing

I've got a rule here at The Chris Jones Group, and that is that whatever else has to get done, the client comes first. The Hansmanns have needed me to be true to that for the past couple of days, and thanks to the wonderful people at First National Lending Services, we closed this morning and Tod and Lorna will be moving into their beautiful new home on Saturday.

Of course, this leaves little time for blogging, so I'm sorry, but you'll have to make do with a couple of filler articles that I loved.

Here's a challenge: work only a four-day week.

And here's a post from the What's Next Blog, one of our favorite things:

A new study proves that the Chihuahua is actually a type of large rodent, selectively bred for centuries to resemble a canine, says The Watley Review. "This is clearly going to raise some eyebrows in the Chihuahua world," said Peggy Wilson, president of the Chihuahua Club of America.

Just in case you're not familiar with the Watley Review, read their disclaimer, sure to resonate with a lot of bloggers:

"dedicated to the production of articles completely without journalistic merit or factual basis, as this would entail leaving our chairs or actually working."

via Judy Vorfeld, via B.L. Ochman

And maybe tomorrow will allow me to have fun blogging. I hope so.