Friday, October 14, 2005

Three Things

Well, at least someone reads the newsletter.  Here's a response from the lawyer responsible both for the sale of the Boston Red Sox and for the purchase of the Los Angeles Dodgers.  You didn't know we ran in these circles, did you?

Three things I do not believe:

1. Harriet Miers is qualified to clerk at the Supreme Court 2. Chief Justice Roberts is a solid conservative; and 3. Steve Stockdale is married to Lafawnduh.

Good day.

Glen R. Openshaw

Now, if you don't know what this joke is about, you really ought to be getting our newsletter.  And you will also need to have seen Napoleon Dynamite.  And it would help if you knew Steve Stockdale.  And it would be really, really good if you knew Harriet Miers, but you don't, because nobody does.  I mean, you might know what kinds of cookies she likes or what her favorite color is (though we doubt it), but what do you know about her reading of City of Erie vs. Pap's AM?  Nothing, we bet.
Yeah, me too.
More throughout the day.