Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Day After

My father is, in fact, doing fine. There was no metastatis that the doctor could find, and Dad expects to be his old self (at least most of his old self) inside of a month.

The only prediction from the weekend that I did not get right was the Colts, and I had lots of company on that one. Oh, and the Jazz lost. And lost again yesterday, though they really should not have.

The yield curve is now so inverted that the 10-year bond is below the 2-year AND the 1-year AND the 6-month, a situation that has never occurred before in my memory. That's great for long-term fixed mortgages and absolutely crap for everything else.

Continuing update on the construction scene, our favorite builder just sold his spec home - in ONE DAY - FOR $4000 ABOVE FULL PRICE. Nice four months' work there, B. Don't spend your $40k all in one place. And yes, I'll be out shopping for a lot myself later this week. Thanks for asking.
